
Lowongan di PGN ( Perusahaan Gas Negara ) ( BUMN ) ( exp : 3 September, 2009 )

Peserta diharuskan mengisi form aplikasi lamaran kerja secara online.

* Form aplikasi lamaran online akan ditutup tepat pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2009 pagi.

* Peserta yang telah mengisi aplikasi lamaran online secara lengkap dan benar, kemudian akan memperoleh no. tiket. Harap catat no tiket tersebut, jangan sampai salah.

* Peserta yang telah mengisi form aplikasi lamaran online selanjutnya diharuskan untuk mengirim berkas lamaran melalui pos atau jasa pengiriman lainnya paling lambat tanggal 29 Agustus 2009.
Lamaran ditujukan kepada TIM SELEKSI Calon Pegawai PT. PGN d.a. Lembaga Psikologi Terapan UI, Jl. Salemba Raya no. 4, Jakarta Pusat 10430.

* Pelamar perlu mempertimbangkan jenis jasa pengiriman yang akan digunakan dengan memperhatikan bahwa LPTUI hanya menerima berkas lamaran paling lambat tanggal 3 September 2009.

* Pada sudut kiri – atas amplop lamaran, pelamar diwajibkan untuk menulis dengan spidol hitam permanen berupa KODE LOKASI TES yang dipilih, KODE JABATAN yang dilamar dan NOMOR TIKET yang diperoleh.

Berikut ini adalah contoh penulisan yang benar:

SBY / 1-PPJ / 090822121005-000001

Sisi paling kiri sebelum tanda ( / ) adalah KODE LOKASI TES yang berarti lokasi tes yang Anda pilih adalah Surabaya. Bagian tengah yang diapit oleh dua tanda (/) adalah KODE POSISI yang Anda lamar. Sedangkan sisi sebelah kanan tanda (/) adalah NOMOR TIKET yang diperoleh setelah Anda mengisi form aplikasi online secara lengkap dan benar.

Kode Lokasi Tes


KODE POSISI, ada pada iklan lowongan pekerjaan

Persyaratan Peserta Seleksi

Nilai Akademis

Peserta harus memiliki minimal ijazah D3 atau S1 sesuai dengan formasi yang dibutuhkan yang berasal dari “Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) yang terakreditasi”.
Memiliki nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal:

- 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima) untuk jurusan eksakta

- 3,00 (tida koma nol) untuk jurusan non eksakta


Pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2009 berusia setinggi-tingginya:

* 28 tahun untuk formasi Staff
* 25 tahun untuk formasi Pelaksana

Persyaratan Administratif

Pas Photo berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
Foto kopi KTP
Surat Lamaran
Curriculum Vitae
Foto kopi Ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir, atau surat keterangan lulus bagi lulusan yang belum memiliki ijazah


Lowongan terbaru di PERTAMINA ( exp : 31 August, 2009 )



Anda akan melamar pada posisi jabatan di :

Direktorat Hulu ( Eksplorasi dan Produksi )
Direktorat Pengolahan ( Refinery )

Direktorat Keuangan

Direktorat Umum & SDM
Direktorat Pemasaran dan Niaga
Sekretaris Perseroan


1. Pelamar harus membaca setiap persyaratan pada masing – masing posisi jabatan yang akan dilamar secara hati – hati.
2. Anda hanya memiliki 1x Registrasi Online untuk memasukkan lamaran. Silahkan pergunakan fasilitas print maupun panduan pengisian untuk memudahkan anda dalam membuat persiapan pemasukan lamaran.
3. Pelamar wajib memasukkan data secara teliti dan jujur karena seluruh data akan langsung dievaluasi untuk menentukan kelulusan ke tahap berikutnya.


1. Mampu menggunakan komputer dan aplikasinya (terutama Open Office) .
2. Diutamakan lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan.
3. Bersedia mengikuti tahapan proses seleksi di Jakarta, biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggungan peserta.
4. Posisi ini terbuka untuk umum.


1. Memiliki integritas tinggi dan komitmen yang tinggi.
2. Bersedia bekerja dalam situasi penuh tekanan dan tantangan.
3. Enerjetik, penuh kegigihan, dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim.
4. Mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik, dan wawasan yang luas.
5. Memiliki inisiatif, dorongan berprestasi serta dedikasi yang tinggi.
6. Menyukai pekerjaan yang beragam dan detail terutama untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional
7. Tekun serta dalam bekerja memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi.
8. Persyaratan kompetensi teknis dan pengalaman dapat dilihat dalam persyaratan di masing-masing posisi.


1. Lamaran hanya dapat dikirimkan melalui aplikasi on-line (klik link registrasi on-line di bagian bawah spesifikasi jabatan). Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan untuk pengiriman lamaran.
2. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat e-mail pribadi yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi ini. Kami tidak melayani alamat e-mail yang salah input oleh pelamar. Pelamar dilarang menggunakan alamat e-mail kantor atau orang lain untuk proses pendaftaran ini.
3. Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line, pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi. Anda tidak dapat menerima e-mail registrasi apabila alamat e-mail yang anda input salah dan atau sudah tidak aktif, sehingga anda tidak bisa log-in untuk pengumuman selanjutnya.
4. Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line dan maksimal memilih satu posisi saja . Untuk itu pastikan Anda telah memilih Posisi Jabatan yang sesuai, serta menuliskan semua data dengan benar, sebelum menekan tombol KIRIM.
5. Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/informasi yang sebenar-benarnya karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan benar saat pelaksanaan verifikasi dokumen/informasi.
6. Pengumuman proses mengenai proses rekrutmen akan ditayangkan pada website Pertamina.
7. Pelamar tidak diperkenankan untuk menghubungi pejabat/pegawai Pertamina dalam kaitannya dengan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini dan/atau datang ke kantor Pertamina . Pelamar hanya diperkenankan datang apabila ada pemanggilan secara resmi . Pelamar yang menghubungi/mendatangi Pertamina selain pada waktu tes dinyatakan gugur.
8. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun.


Masa waktu registrasi & pengisian on-line dilakukan dari tanggal 18 Agustus – 31 Agustus 2009.

Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku

Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Pada setiap tahapan seleksi, hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan mengikuti tahap seleksi berikutnya.


1. Sediakan waktu yang cukup. Pengisian Aplikasi online ini secara lengkap membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 – 60 menit.
2. Baca dengan seksama setiap petunjuk yang disediakan
3. Persiapkan semua data yang anda butuhkan pada saat pengisian aplikasi, antara lain :
* Alamat E-mail yang senantiasa anda pergunakan
* Nomor Handphone aktif yang anda pergunakan sehari-hari
* Foto dalam format digital dibawah 100 kb (khusus untuk pelamar Sekretaris Perseroan dan Direktorat Pemasaran & Niaga)
* Riwayat Pekerjaan/Daftar Riwayat Hidup
4. Isikan semua kolom isian dengan benar dan lengkap
5. Pastikan semua Isian sudah anda isikan dengan benar sebelum anda mengirimkan ( submit ) aplikasi anda

informasi selanjutnya : klik disini


Lowongan di E & P Indonesie ( exp : 22 August, 2009 )

Revealing energy resources

Revealing new talents



Present in Indonesia since 1986, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is currently the
biggest gas producer in Indonesia. A 100% subsidiary of the TOTAL
Group, the fifth largest energy corporation in the world. TOTAL E&P
INDONESIE is now seeking talented individuals for very challenging
jobs amongst others.

• Drilling Engineer
• Marine Supervisor
• Sr. Petrophysicist
• Sr. Reservoir Engineers
• Stock Coordinator
• Contract Referential and Compliance
• Procurement Office
• Maintenance Engineers
• Method and Procedure Engineer
• Safety and Method Engineer
• Project Engineers
• Offshore Engineer
• Piping Engineer
• Telecommunication Engineer
• Building Manager
• Coordinator General Service Method

Please visit our website: www.careers.total.com

Or send your CV to: ep-id-drh.recruitment@total.com


PT Dunggio Drilling - Drilling Rig Mechanic

PT Dunggio Drilling is a drilling contractor company that provides drilling services for mineral and coal, located at Jababeka Industrial Estate. We are urgently seeking a qualified candidate for the position:


* Age 25 to 35 years
* Completion of Secondary, Mechanical Trade School or High School education is preferred
* Innovative, hard working and able to work under pressure in remote area/field
* Minimum 5 years experience as a Rig Mechanic, preferred on Coal and Mineral Drilling Rig
* Completion all training and certification requirement for Mechanic
* Strong leadership, dynamic and motivated
* Have a good knowledge on hydraulic systems
* Overhaul many types of engines (diesel or petrol), repair and maintain various electric equipment


* Ensure the effective operation of all the mechanical equipment to get an absolute drilling achievement
* Reports to the Workshop Supervisor
* Supervises Mechanics

Please send your resume to:

PT Pertamina - Fresh Graduate

PERTAMINA is a State Owned oil & gas company (National Oil Company), established on December 10, 1957 under the name PT PERMINA. In 1961 the company changed its name to PN PERMINA and after the merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968 it became PN PERTAMINA. With the enactment of Law 8 of 1971 the company became PERTAMINA.

This name persisted until after PERTAMINA changed its legal status to PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) on October 9, 2003. PERTAMINA’s scope of business incorporates the upstream and downstream sectors. The upstream sector covers oil, gas and geothermal energy exploration and production both domestically and overseas. The foregoing is pursued through own operations and through partnerships in the form of joint operations with JOBs (Joint Operating Bodies), TACs (Technical Assistance Contracts) and JOCs (Joint Operating Contracts), whereas the downstream sector includes processing, marketing, trading and shipping. Commodities produced range from Fuel (BBM) and Non Fuel (Non BBM), LPG, LNG, petrochemicals to Lube Base oil. In order to strengthen national competitiveness to the company’s oil and gas world, PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) need reliable professional to fill the position:

Fresh Graduate (D3/S1/S2)
Fresh graduate is needed to meet the manpower plan for the Directorate Upstream (exploration & production), the Directorate of Processing (Golf), Directorate of Marketing & Commerce, and Corporate Functions (Finance, General, Human Resource, Business Development, Law , Company Secretary, Information Systems & Technology, Unit of Internal and Supply Chain).

Requirements :

* Education last (according to the classification above) from the Academy / University Accredited
* S1/S2 GPA for at least 3 of scale 4
* D3 minimum GPA 2.75 from scale 4
* Can operate the computer (at least Open Office)
* Can speak English well (verbally and written)
* Willing to follow the stages in the selection process, the cost to and from the selection of participants to be dependent
* Willing to be placed in all areas of Pertamina

Age limit:

* Applicants D3: A maximum of 24 years (born after 31 December 1984)
* Applicants S1: Maximum 27tahun (born after 31 December 1981)
* Applicants S2: A maximum of 32 years (born after 31 December 1976)

Faculty/Major Education:

* Industrial Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering
* Electrical Engineering
* Chemical Engineering
* Informatics Engineering / Computer
* Environmental Engineering
* Instrumentation / Engineering Physics
* Civil Engineering
* Technical Oil
* Shipping Engineering
* Mechanical Engineering Ship
* Ship Engineering Development
* Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Chemistry
* Chemical Analyst
* Economy
* Management
* Accounting
* Law
* Communication
* Social Politics
* Psychology
* Administration
* Secretary
* Metallurgy
* Geodesy
* Geology
* Geophysics
* Community Health
* Health & Safety
* Statistics

To view the positions needed and filling the application, please visit our website, www.pertamina.com


PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia - Plant Area Superintendent, Senior Mining Supervisor, Plant Superintendent, Senior Warehouse Supervisor

PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia - Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia.

Plant Area Superintendent
Department:Plant Department
Work type:Permanent (Indonesia only)

Reporting to National Plant Superintendent, you will responsible for:

* Apply the Thiess Management System and Plant Procedures with in the work force in relation safety / environment, planning, recording, register, quality of workmanship, leadership with the work force and organising of service personnel.
* Lead, organize in day to day work activities in given area and to implement the Thiess Management System in relation to safety, recording and programming of work.
* Mentoring, quality control, trouble shooting, diagnostic and priority checking function.

Requirement for this position is minimum Senior Technical High School, recognised Industry Trade Qualifications; with minimum of 5 years experience in Senior Plant Supervisor position; have an experienced on Caterpillar, Komatsu, Liebherr, Hitachi equipment and other OEM’s products is preferable; qualified Diesel Mechanic; computer literacy; excellent in English communication skills both written and verbal; demonstrate HSE performance and strong leadership skill.

Senior Mining Supervisor
Job No.:499522
Work type:Permanent (Indonesia only)

Reporting to Mining Superintendent, responsibilities for this position to active organise, assist and push the supervisors to properly supervise the work teams to deliver production qualities and results which meet the agreed dig plan for the shift. This person to lead, organise and provide direction for employees to ensure outstanding performance is achieved in people performance, HSE&Q outcomes and the business results. Set an example for all in the workplace to follow in safety, leadership, attendance and personal behaviour, also act as the Shift Superintendent when there is none on shift.

Applicants should have a minimum Senior High School is preferred with previous experience in similar role at least 5 years. Have ability in employee’s supervision, resource planning, and OHS&E supervision. Be able to operate computer and good communication skills. Understanding and able to operate most of types of Mining Equipment.

Plant Superintendent
Job No.:518970
Department:Plant Department
Work type:Permanent (Indonesia only)

Reporting to Site Plant Manager, you will be responsible for :

* Ensure that all the maintenance department goals are achieved, by following the procedures set out in the TMS.
* Communication and reporting. Ensure maximum communication levels are maintained between workshop and operations personnel regarding breakdowns safety issues, and prioritizing of equipment repairs.
* Ensure that all area supervisors accurately complete daily breakdown reports, supervisors shift report, PCR’s for submission the planning and administration before 8am everyday. Ensure accurate breakdown hours information is provided.
* Analysis of component condition and recommendation of parts required. Ensure correct procedures used when troubleshooting breakdowns and failures.
* Review operators checklist summary and mechanical inspection sheets, ensure submission to planning department with repair and parts recommendation. Ensure supervisors and mechanic raise recommended parts lists accurately to address all know work, breakdowns, and planned maintenance.
* Planning and co-ordination of shut down work in cooperation with planning department. Ensure all repairs are carried out in a cost effective and timely manner.
* Investigation and reporting of all accident damage to all equipment in the field and associated area, include operator abuse.
* Ensure a safe working environment for all employee by ensure all activities are carry out according to the work procedures in the TMC and the Senakin project management plan.
* Ensure that there is no impact on the environment from the activities that are carried out to operate and repair equipment by ensuring that the procedures in the TMS and Senakin Management plan are followed.
* Ensure that all maintenance tasks are carried out in a safe, timely and cost effective manner.

Requirement for this position is minimum degree in Mechanical Engineer; minimum of 10 years experience in the Heavy Mining Industry with 5 years experience as Senior Mechanical Supervisor role; have an experienced on Caterpillar, Komatsu, Liebherr, Hitachi equipment and other OEM’s products is preferable; experience in Staff Management/Supervisory level; computer literacy; excellent English communication skills in both written and verbal; demonstrate HSE performance and strong leadership skill.

Senior Warehouse Supervisor
Job No.:510849
Department:Plant Department
Work type:Permanent (Indonesia only)

This role will be responsible to supervise, coordinate and monitoring all activities to Warehouse related and assist the Logistic Operation on site and daily communication with Site Plant Administation.

Requirements for this position are preferred High School, Diploma III with minimum 5 years experience in similar role in Mining or Construction Industry. Others requirement for this position, applicant should be able to communicate well and has good organization skill, basic computer skills in word and excel, be able to make budgets and plan work tasks also be able to supervise subordinate.

Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Job No.:522023
Department:Functional support- Balikpapan
Work type:Permanent (Indonesia only)

Applicants should have tertiary degree in Geology or Geological Engineering. Have previous experience at least 5years in similar role at mine site is preferred. Good communication skills in English and Bahasa, written & verbal, and Computer literacy. A working knowledge in mining principles, mining design concepts & operations, heavy machinery operation practices, Mincom or similar would be an advantage.

Formalities Officer
Job No.:535556
Department:Functional support- Balikpapan
Work type:Permanent (Indonesia only)

Reporting to the External Relation Supervisor, you will support and overview efficient running of office with regard to Travel and Formalities Section to each department activity; manage the administrative facilities of travel and formalities in accordance with Thiess Value and TMS; control all documents as per determined time; report the expatriate personal strength to governments or department concerned; update data online Formalities; promote a professional image of company profile as service; provide proactive, quality administration support to the business.

Requirements for this position minimum diploma degree with 3 years experience in formalities document or in same role; good understanding in Indonesian Law related to foreign documents; excellent interpersonal and communication skills for both oral and written in English; IT literacy minimum in word, excel and internet.

Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate.

If you want to take your career to a new level and be involved in exciting workplace change and issues, please submit your application through our website at http://careers.thiess.co.id

Leighton Contractors Indonesia - Staff Development Supervisor, IT Programmer, Payroll Administration

Leighton Contractors Indonesia is an operating division of Leighton International Limited. We are currently recruiting for a number of staff to fulfil some positions in our expanding Mining & Civil based Projects predominantly in Kalimantan, Indonesia. We have an immediate opening for the following positions :

Staff Development Supervisor

* Facilitating Leadership Development Workshop for Supervisor or Mid Management level.
* Monitoring & give consultation on Graduate Development Program.
* Undertaking administration upon Individual Staff Development Plan.
* Improving facilitation tools upon Development Workshop.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline.
* Required skill(s): Experience in facilitating soft-skills workshop or at least 2 years or more than 20 batches; good knowledge in management skill and processes.
* Individual Contributor’s core competency: high level in driving any achievement and target; high level working cooperatively as a team; good analytical thinking ; good ability in coordinating & building support inter or intra department.
* Preferably: have an exposure in HR dept as supervisor or coordinator / training consultant or training provider; good knowledge in Mining industry area.
* Required language(s): good command in English.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in Training or equivalent.
* Full-Time position available.
* Job location: Balikpapan, kalimantan Timur

IT Programmer

* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Required skill(s): Proficient with VB language, MS Access with VBA, MS SQL Server 2005, Query language, and ASP Net / VB Net is an advantage.
* Other skills: Having good logical analysis, can work in a team/ under pressure.
* Required language(s): English.
* Should have the experience in developing application/ web based application.
* Applicants should hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably specializing in IT or equivalent.
* Temporary position for about 6 months. (could be extended).

Payroll Administration

* Graduate from Accounting S1
* Experience in Accounting/HR/ Payroll minimum 5 years
* Good knowledge in taxation and general ledger
* Proficient in English (written and speaking)
* Good knowledge of MS. Word

Please send your resume thru our website

PT Energi Kaltim Persada - Contract Manager, Environmental Manager, HSE Manager,Sr. Geologist Exploration, Sr. Project Engineer, Quality Control Super

PT Energi Kaltim Persada - We are the one of growing fast coal company in Indonesia, there are currently operate and explore location in the key commercial coal area (East Kalimantan, South Sumatra and Papua) around Indonesia. In response to our continuing fast growth, we need highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, strong leadership, self motivated individuals and experienced professionals to fill the following vacancies:

Contract Manager
Requirement :

* Male, max age 36;
* Min bachelor degree in a relevant field such as mining engineering;
* Min 8 years working experiences in contract relevant field such as in the field of mining industry;
* Familiar with mine permit, mine operation and mine working process;
* Strong capability to clarify goals and reach agreement maintaining the interests of all parties;
* Able to build and maintain excellent relationships with contractors;
* Ability to overview situations, review and evaluate, defining set plans to achieve business goals;
* Careful planning to achieve accurate and timely results;
* Full understand with budget and control in mining industry;
* Good communication in English (both written and spoken);
* Strong leadership;
* Based on Jakarta Office, but flexible to go on site or any place needed to survey.

Environmental Manager
Requirement :

* Male, max age 35;
* Min bachelor degree of Law / Forestry Faculty;
* Min 8 years working experiences, preferable from Contractor Coal Mining;
* Having good relationship with local government, distamben, and department of forestry;
* Able to make the environmental program, from planning, preparing, implementation, until reporting the progress;
* Good communication and strong leadership;
* Excellent computer skill;
* Based on Jakarta Office, but flexible to go on site or any place needed to survey

HSE Manager
Requirement :

* Male, max age 40 years;
* Min bachelor degree of Environmental/Health/Safety or equivalent and posses some level of formal training in the HSE field;
* More than 8 years experiences in mining industry as the HSE Manager;
* Strong capability to handling Health, Safety and Environment;
* Expertise on HSE Management System, Procedure & Regulation;
* Good knowledge and experience in set up, implementing & monitoring HSE Management System requirements in compliance with Corporate & International Standards;
* Be able to conduct basic HSE training;
* Excellent computer skill;
* Good communication and fluent in English (both written and spoken);
* Strong leadership;
* Based on Jakarta Office.

Sr. Geologist Exploration
Requirement :

* University Graduate, majoring Geologist;
* Min age 32 years and Max age 38 years;
* Min 6 years working experiences and 2 years in the same position;
* Preferable working in Contractor Coal Mining;
* Familiar with computer literate Microsoft Office and MINCOM, SURPAC;
* Expert in all activities and coal handling from Pit to Port;
* Strong leadership and hard working;
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia.

Sr. Project Engineer
Requirement :

* Male, age min 35 – 40 years;
* University Graduate, majoring Mechanical Engineer;
* Min 8 years experiences, preferably working in mining industry;
* Strong knowledge & experience with: mechanical, civil, and electric;
* Strong leadership and hard working;
* Good communication in English (both written & spoken);
* Expert in using computer engineering software;
* Based on Jakarta Office, but flexible to go on site or any place needed to survey.

Quality Control Supervisor
Requirement :

* University Graduate, majoring Mining Engineer;
* Max 36 years;
* Min 5 years experiences, preferably in coal mining industry;
* Strong experience with coal quality control from pit to port;
* Experience in handling shipping document e.g. : cargo declaration by shipper, notice of readiness, etc;
* Good knowledge and experience in implementing coal quality procedure/standardization strictly in coal digging and stockpile management;
* Strong capability with Loading vessel and blending ratio to attain high quality level and zero contamination;
* Able to supervise the coal quality administration, statistic computation and updating reports;
* Implement safety regulation for all activities strictly;
* Excellent computer skill;
* Good communication in English (both written & spoken);
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia.

Sr. Mine Engineer
Requirement :

* University Graduate, majoring Mine Engineer;
* Min age 32 years and Max age 38 years;
* Min 6 years working experiences and 2 years in the same position;
* Preferable working in Contractor Coal Mining;
* Familiar with computer literate Microsoft Office and MINCOM Software (SURPAC);
* Strong leadership and hard working;
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia.

HSE Supervisor
Requirement :

* Graduate in Engineering or having qualification in HSE;
* Max age 38 years old;
* At least 5 years working experience and 2 years in the same position from mining industry;
* Strong experience especially in coal mining project, which include safe working procedures, job safety analysis (JSA) and emergency response team;
* Having experience on inspection, procedures and prepare all documentations related to HSE;
* Having knowledge on HSE Management System;
* Good communication and fluent in English (both written and spoken);
* Strong leadership;
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia.

Admin Supervisor
Requirement :

* Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Administration or Management;
* Having minimum at least 5 years experiences, and 2 years in the same position;
* Understand of Personnel System and Legal;
* Familiar with Mining & PEB Document Permit;
* Discipline and hard working;
* Strong Leadership;
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia.

Sr. Mine Surveyor
Requirement :

* University Graduate, majoring Mine Engineer;
* Min age 32 years and Max age 38 years;
* Min 6 years working experiences and 2 years in the same position;
* Preferable working in Contractor Coal Mining;
* Familiar with computer literate Microsoft Office and MINCOM Software (SURPAC);
* Strong leadership and hard working;
* Ready to work any area in Indonesia.

Your application will be treated confidentially and only short listed candidates will be followed up.

Attractive remuneration plus generous benefits (Roster for staff: 6 weeks on duty and 2 weeks off duty, Roster for Senior Staff: 4 weeks on duty and 12 days off duty) will be offered to the successful candidate.

Please send your application and resume in English, recent photograph & Copy ID card and put the position code as your email subject to:

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation - Indonesian National Legal Counsel

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is one of the largest independent oil and gas exploration and production companies in the world, and we are now an active investor in Indonesia s oil and gas industry. With an operated and non operated offshore exploration portfolio, we continue to seek further investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Owing the size and scope of our projects in Indonesia we are seeking to create a regular full time senior attorney position to manage all legal matters for the company including transactions and compliance matters.

Indonesian National Legal Counsel (Code: NLC)

Position requirement
• A Juris Doctor (JD) or Bachelor of Laws (LLB) or Master of Laws (LLM) from an accredited United States or international Law School (or equivalent). Must also be a native Bahasa Indonesia speaker and be fluent in English at a level commensurate with an advanced U.S. professional degree, the successful candidate should have a minimum of five (5) years experience in the International Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry (i.e. Upstream Oil and Gas).

The successful candidate must be a fully-qualified practicing attorney with significant business experience and be familiar with the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Laws, and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. He or she should be familiar with, and have direct experience with negotiating, drafting and implementing all, or most of, the following: Production Sharing Contracts, joint Operating Agreements, Farm-In Agreements, Stock Purchase Agreements, Purchase and Sale Agreements, Drilling Contracts, operations agreements. Must be able to effectively meet deadlines. Familiarity with BPMigas procurement procedures would be helpful. Previous experience working in a Corporate Legal Department would prove valuable. Should also have experience managing and/or working with other attorneys, paralegals, and support staff proving the ability to function productively in a team setting.

The successful candidate will possess effective communication, advocacy presentation and multi-disciplinary team working skills. Organizational skills and workload management skills are essential. Must have excellent legal research skills and be facile with all MSOffice programs. A pleasant personality is desirable for contributing to a proper workplace environment.

Position responsibilities
This position will initially be a transition position overlapping with the company s current expatriate Legal Advisor who will be re-assigned as soon as the successful candidate demonstrates the ability to assume full responsibility for carrying out the position.

The successful candidate will work closely with the current expatriate Legal Advisor on all legal matters and will gradually assume responsibility as capabilities are proven. Must learn and be able to apply all of the company s policies and procedures for which the company s Legal Department has responsibility including the company s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Compliance Policy and its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Once the current expatriate Legal Advisor leaves Indonesia it is expected that this position will report directly to the Associate General Counsel for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation s International Legal Group.

The successful candidate will be expected to work and interact with fallow attorneys and with expatriate technical and management personnel as well as all Indonesian national employees of the company, both in Jakarta and based at our headquarters in Houston, Texas. He or she will be asked to participate on applicable committees of industry trade associations. On occasion, international travel may be required.

Write your application letter and enclose your CV not later than 18 April 2009 to:

Human Resources Department
One Pacific Place Building
Office Tower, Level 12, Suite 1201-1206
SCBD, JI. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190

(Only short listed wilt be notified)

PT Adaro Indonesia - MIS Officer, Internal Audit Supervisor

PT Adaro Indonesia operates under a Coal Cooperation Agreement with the Government of Indonesia which gives it the right to mine coal within its Agreement Area in the Tanjung district of South Kalimantan Province until the year 2022 with Rights to extend by mutual agreement are available. We are currently seeking:

MIS Officer (Code:MO)

* Male / Female
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics, Computerized Accounting, or Information System
* Accounting knowledge is a must
* Programming knowledge is a must
* Database (SQL) server knowledge is a must
* Experience using Ms. Dynamics Axapta is a must
* Good command in English

Internal Audit Supervisor (code: IAS)

* Male/ Female
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy
* Have experience in public accounting firm, min 3 years.
* Preferably have experience as an internal auditor
* Good command in English
* Advanced computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc)
* Hard worker, good interpersonal skill

Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than 16 April 2009 to: hrd@ptadaro.com Please put the position code as your email subject. Only sort listed candidates will be process

TOTAL E&P INDONESIE - Engineering Studies Coordinator

TOTAL E&P INDONESIE - TOTAL is the world’s fifth-largest international oil and gas company and a world-class chemical manufacturer which employs more than 110,000 people in over 130 countries worldwide. See : www.total.com. TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. Due to the high-level development activities to meet the increasing hydrocarbon production commitment, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE invites highly qualified professionals to apply for the following position :


* Engineering studies and follow up of the whole districts including Conceptual studies, Front End Engineering studies, Detailed design and Project in these areas: well connections; plant modifications; optimisation of safety, production and treatment facilities.
* Follow up and coordination of all engineering studies related to new developments initiated by related division.
* Creation and running of a Central Drawing Office and owner of the Masters of all engineering drawings.
* Ensures respect of budget for engineering contracts.
* Analyses and approves internal or external cost estimations.

Minimum Bachelor Degree in any Engineering major with concentration in Project/ Piping/ Structure.


* Minimum 10 years of working experience in oil and gas industry, mainly in Engineering, Project Construction and Installation.
* Good knowledge of drawings, structural calculations and piping.
* Basic knowledge of process, instrumentation and electricity.
* Familiar with tender process.

Please apply through our website: www.careers.total.com


ConocoPhillips - Warranty Coordinator, Offshore Service Engineer, Maintenance Electrical Advisor, Lab Technician

ConocoPhillips is an international, integrated energy company headquartered in Houston, Texas, and operating in more than 40 countries. As a Production Sharing Contractor for BPMIGAS, we operate many producing and exploration blocks in Indonesia. To support our expanding operations in Indonesia, ConocoPhillips is looking for talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the following position:


* This position is to provide proper documentation with high technical English writing as required to be attached in the system or equipment warranty claim process.
* Involve in developing proper documentation of equipment history record to get clear path forward whether Ops repair or project or vendors warranty issues whenever defect occurred.
* Utilize this position as a development opportunity to learn Engineering & Operational requirements through all phases of the project up to Operations start-up
* Support & Implement the Eastern Hub Operations & Maintenance Philosophy
* Be an active member and participant of the Project Management Team
* Actively participate to define Root Cause Failure of any defect parts or equipment since Commissioning through Start-Up and handover of Projects to Operations.
* Influence common Eastern Hub Operating Systems for all projects to ensure better Operations and Maintenance in the future, so high cost for preliminary Operation of manning and training can be minimized.


* Must have minimum S1 degree or ideally related D3 degree with 10 years experience in oil and gas industry
* Should have experience and knowledge of oil, gas and production facilities (i.e. ASME, API, ASTM, Cause & Effects and P&ID’s)
* Actively seek knowledge transfer from outside experts
* Must be able to read, write and communicate effectively in English
* Demonstrate leadership by actively participating in COPI HSE MS and safety/environmental programs
* Must have good analytical thinking and ability to perform with minimum supervision
* Must have good interpersonal skills
* Must be independent as well as a good team player.
* Ability to sustain good working performance under pressure.
* High level of computer literacy, and creativity.


* To ensure offshore compression and power generation units are maintained at high quality and operated optimum condition by providing guidance and direction to Offshore Maintenance and Operation personnel.
* To observe visually condition and performance of offshore compression and power generation units.
* To minimize unscheduled shutdown of offshore compression and power generation units by doing immediate troubleshooting.
* To execute recommendation or instruction given by Performance Monitoring team
* To inspect, analyze/ interpret and report condition of gas turbines and major/ critical rotating equipment.
* To provide QA/QC for major/ critical rotating equipment work at site (onshore and offshore) or at workshop.
* To develop and coach Maintenance personnel to be fully aware with high quality inspection.
* Position is to replace Rolls Royce Offshore Service Engineers under LTSA contract with national COPI staff


* BS in Mechanical or Instrument engineering with strong in instrument and mechanical system.
* At least 3 years experience in maintenance and operation of in NDT, boroscope inspection and alignment, gas turbine control, compressor control, PLC, DCS, SCADA, protection system and other instrumentation.
* Familiar with oil and gas process operation and maintenance. Experience in Offshore oil & gas facility is preferred.
* Familiar with gas turbine, compressor and major rotating equipment anatomy.
* Have extensive troubleshooting experience and sense of urgency.
* Good communication in English (speaking & writing)

The Maintenance Support Engineer shall provide technical support to COPI offshore oil and gas installations operating in the Natuna Sea. Primarily responsible for providing Electrical expertise including Heating ventilating Air Conditioning, performing reliability analysis, fault finding and mentoring to the Offshore Electrical maintenance team.


* Ability to Technical Degree (BSc or MSc in applicable Engineering discipline) or Technical Diploma level (D3/D4)
* 10 years experience in Electrical Maintenance and Operation preferably in the offshore Oil and Gas industry. A working knowledge of Gas Turbines (RR Avons, RB211’s ) centrifugal gas compressors, pumps and motors would be an advantage. Should be knowledgeable in offshore production operations and maintenance of equipment as well as logistics and planning.
* Demonstrate strong written and oral communication skills in both Indonesian and English.
* Proficient computer skills including literacy in Windows and SAP systems.
* Knowledgeable in writing and interpreting technical reports.
* Self directed, motivated to achieve team goals, customer oriented and capable of working independently with minimal supervision.
* Analytical capabilities including problem solving, trouble shooting capability and knowledge of QA/QC procedures.
* Ability to work in an unstructured team environment including surfacing and resolving conflicts, demonstrating facilitator skills, accepting accountability, delivering on commitments, engendering trust and providing peer feedback.
* Ability to manage change, drive Continuous Improvement and lead by influence.
* Knowledge of Reliability Integrity processes and tools i.e. RCM, Defect Elimination, RCFA, and Pareto.
* Knowledge and understanding of Condition Monitoring Techniques.
* Mentor /Training and Networking skills.

To take samples, do lab analysis, and report the result safely, correctly, accurately and timely manner to support offshore operation in monitoring production/plant performance as well as lab supporting data for engineering, product specifications and environmental monitoring purposes


* Chemical Analyst High School with minimum 3 years experience or D3/S1 chemical analyst with minimum 1 year experience at oil & gas industry or relevant industries
* Experienced in operate major oil & gas Laboratory equipment and familiar with related lab analysis procedures
* Good interpersonal skill and strong team player
* Computer literate and good in English
* Offshore field base for 2 weeks and beyond if required
* Ability to work under diverse cultures and offshore working conditions
* Possibility to mobile from one area/field to another area/field
* Ability to set-up, install, calibrate, and operate a new lab instrument individually
* Troubleshooting of lab instruments

Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply. Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email. Send your application and CV not later than 20 April 2009 to




An Energy business involved in the oil and gas industry is immediately seeking highly motivated and experience professional to fill positions:


Only candidates who are ready to join immediately will be given preference



* Degree in Engineering
* At least 3 years experience in Drilling Operation (Off shore) & field engineering
* Having a good knowledge with multi discipline experience in engineering & material/equipments .
* English communication skills (both oral and written)

Interested candidates please send your CV and resume to alex.herianto@ apexindo. com and please state the position you are applying in subject.

PT Aldaberta Indonesia

PT Aldaberta Indonesia is a fast growing oil & gas consulting company in Indonesia now seeking for various engineer with the requirements, .i.e,

1. Geodetic Engineer (code : GDCE 01)

skill requirements :

• Mampu berbahasa inggris secara oral dan tulisan secara pasif.

• Pengalaman di bidangnya minimal 6 tahun sebagai Geodetic Engineer.

• Bersedia ditempatkan di lapangan.

• Menguasi dan dapat mengaplikasikan MS Office.

• Mengerti dan memahami sistim proyeksi UTM dan TM3.

• Mengertl, memahami dan dapat rnengoperasikan Total Station, GPS, dan


• Memahami, mengerti secara fasih kaidah - kaidah Quality Control Pengukuran


• Mengerti, mengetahui dan dapat melakukan penggambaran secara digital

dengan AUTO CAD.

• Mengerti, memahami dan dapat mempraktekkan inspeksi topografi dari segi

quality control terhadap mutu posisi dan elevasi bangunan.

If you are the one we are looking for please sent your complete CV (signed in every page of resume) before march 9st 2009 to :

ardiansah.febrianto ko@aldaberta. com

or via pos to :

ardiansah febriantoko
Human Resources Manager
PT Aldaberta Indonesia
Graha Elnusa, 2nd Floor, JL. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B, Cilandak, JAKSEL, Indonesia (12560)





A. AUDITOR . Application code “ADT”
1. Graduated as S1, Accountant (plus registered Accountant)
2. Minimum 3 years experience as Auditor
3. Having QIA and/or CIA is preferred
B. PROGRAMMER ANALYST. Application code “TIS”
1. Graduated as S1, Technology Information
2. Minimum 3 years experience as Programmer
3. Knowledge: Software Development Life Cycle/Standard Development
Methodology, Object Oriented Application Design.
4. Skill: Programming Language Java (J2EE), PL/SQL, Database Oracle,
Preferably Power Builder and Network Automate.
C. SPECIALIST, LEGAL. Application code “LGL”
1. Graduated as S1, Legal
2. Minimum 3 years experience as Legal staff
3. Familiar handle case: Land Matters, Contract aspects and Industrial
General Requirements:
1. Male/Female, Maximum 32 years old as of February 28, 2009
2. Have strong leadership, aggressive attitude and team building work mindset
3. Excellent command in oral and written English.
4. Giving top priority that has been working experience in Oil & Gas Company
or Public Accountant
We offer a comprehensive benefit and compensation package designed to meet your
qualification. We also provide housing, school, sport and recreation facilities which
will serve you and your family with attractive environment.
If you would like to take the challenges and meet the above criteria, please send your application with application form standard and curriculum vitae not later than

February 28, 2009.

Follow the instruction below:
1. Access to website: www.badaklng.co.id
2. Click Recruitment, click Audit & ITHUK, click Publication to access Advertising
3. Click Announcement to access Application Form (Please, download)
4. Send your application (CV & Application form) to email address:



PT. Rekayasa Industri

Herewith we would like to ask you to announce this announcement for the people below which one we’re required:

1. Project Manager (one person)


- At least 10 (ten) years experience as Project Manager on Offshore Construction and Installation

2. Offshore Construction Manager (One Person)


- At least than 10 (ten) years experience as Offshore Construction Manager

3. Project Manager (one person)


- At least 10 (ten) years experience as Project Manager (background Instrument Engineer)

4. Offshore Construction Manager (One Person)


- At least than 10 (ten) years experience as Offshore Construction Manager (familiar with oil and gas industry)

For the next information, you can sent email to: stepanus_kristiawan @rekayasa. co.id

And for resume you can sent email to : stepanus_kristiawan @rekayasa. co.id

We’ll contact you as soon as if you have sent us your CV to our administrator through email above.

Thanks for your attention and cooperation,

Radiant Utama

The Company

Radiant Utama is a national group-company operates mainly in oil & gas, mining and energy business sectors. Through diversified business operations, we are working to develop integrated services and solutions that optimize customer performance in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

Working at Radiant Utama

In a dynamic service-business environment, Radiant needs flexible and quick-thinking leaders to succeed. The multi dimensional business-environmen t is the true challenge for both management and employee, to work in harmony in achieving high-quality business-result. Being open to new ideas and respecting the present are the soul of people development which carry-out through competency assessments, coaching, internal and external training programs.

We offer you a chance to show and develop your skills further. In return we expect you to have the knowledge and motivation to build our business.

Who Do We need


The Position

The successful candidate will report to the President Director of the company. The incumbent provides secretarial support to Directors; may include translation, presentation, monthly or general financial outlook. As for development, this position will require essential knowledge of accounting or having accounting background to oversight project accounting functions such as cost analysis and reporting.

The Person

- Minimum Associate Degree (D3)

- Having at least 5 years experiences as Secretary or Business Assistant

- Highly developed communication and presentation skills

- Advance in English (both oral and written) and computer skills

- Possess good aptitude, interpersonal skill, flexibility and sense of urgency


The Position

The successful candidate will report to the corporate top management with dotted line to the Company Finance Head. He or she shall accountable for implementing the company's tax plan, identifying and analyzing different aspects of the company's operation and applicable tax criteria.

The incumbent shall responsible for the timely and correct payment of company taxes, ensuring optimization of all tax opportunities and exemptions when applicable. As for development, she or he will require to explores and suggest tax optimization opportunities and maintains contact with external consultants to ensure adequate decisions in each case.

The Person

- Well versed tax knowledge

- At least 5 years hands-on for taxation matter

- Strong networking with government institution and official tax department

- Top priority for those who have work experience in tax consultancy or public accountant

- Certified of Brevet and others relevant Tax certification

- Has solid leadership and team work player

- Good written and spoken communication skills in English and computer literate

If you meet the above qualification, you are invited to send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph, not later than Feb 25, 2009 to:


PT, Elnusa Tbk

PT, Elnusa Tbk adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang oil dan gas services, saat ini sedang membutuhkan beberapa posisi sbb:
1. Wireline Chief Operator (Kode: WLCO)
2. Wireline Operator (Kode WLO)
3. HSE Koordintor (Kode HSE)
4. Kapten Kapal (Kode KAPT)
5, Crane Operator (Kode CRO)
6. Mekanik (kode : MEK)

- laki laki
- berpengalaman dibidang yang sama min 5 tahun (1,3,4) dan 3 tahun (2,5,6) di Oil dan Gas Industry
- diutamakan yang pernah bekerja di wilayah operasional Total E & P ( 1 - 4)
- minimal S1 (3) dan D3 (5,6) semua jurusan
- memiliki pengalaman pada sistem hidrolik (6)
- memiliki sertifikat ANT IV (4)
- berbahasa ingggris yang baik (1-6)

Kirimkan data lamaran dan daftar riwayat hidup beserta gaji yang di harapkan ke:
recruitment@elnusa-bpn.com dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di email-subject, paling lambat 1 Maret 2009



Company Description
Urgently Required

PT Krakatau Engineering was founded on October 12, 1988 as a wholly owned subsidiary company of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero). PT Krakatau Engineering serves and conducts either government or private projects in form of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contract basis, industrial maintenance and also in consultancy service (Engineering, study and Project Management).

CIVIL / STRUCTURE DRAFTMAN ( Cilegon ) Post Date: 13 Feb 09


Pendidikan STM/D3 Teknik Sipil

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang (civil/structure)

Menguasai AUTO CAD 2D&3D


Mampu berbahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)

Menguasai MS Office dan AUTO CAD

Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat Cilegon dan ke proyek-proyek PT. KE

Bersedia menjadi karyawan kontrak

Kirim lamaran, CV, foto, ijazah, transkrip, dan sertifikat yang mendukung,

serta cantumkan gaji yang diinginkan ke:



Company Description


A subsidiary of an integrated international group providing technological services to companies, public and local authorities. Employs 26,000 people and present in over 30 countries in France, Europe and other parts of the world, through a network of 200 agencies and over 1,200 offices are open for the post of:

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER (For Oil & Gas Sector) Post Date: 13 Feb 09

Job Function:

§ Maintain and expand contacts within the sector including exploration / production companies and contractors / suppliers to the sector.

§ Solicit inquiries from clients for quotation / tender offers.

§ Preparation of preliminary risk analysis and project review requirements, in accordance with company procedures.

§ Monitor offer submission and evaluation process, as far as possible.

§ Receive and process further clarifications or supporting data required by client.

§ Provide feedback to company regarding progress of offers and likely successes.

§ Provide win / loss analysis.

§ Continue client contact throughout project implementation, reporting to Operations on relevant information.

§ Assist in budget preparation and monthly reporting forecasting.

§ Input client information into database.


§ Formal technical qualifications, S1 / D3 in Electrical, Instrumentation, Mechanical or Petroleum.

§ Experienced in Oil & Gas sector within Indonesia for related activities (electrical, instrumentation, Mechanical and maintenance).

§ Senior marketing or sales engineer / manager experience, Project Manager preferably in contracting business.

§ Male / female with proven track record, no upper age restriction.

§ Client focused, with strong relationship development capabilities.

§ Able to work singularly or in team environment.

§ Balanced and flexible approach to problem solving and client satisfaction.

§ Experienced in negotiation and win-win solutions.

§ Fluency in English language, oral and written.

We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. Interested applicants are invited to submit curriculum vitae to the following address :




or email to : hrd.indokomas@cegelec.com



Minimum Education and Experience:

Bachelor Degree of Electrical Engineer Transmission and Distribution
English is a must
Excellent in using Computer Literature
Fresh graduates are welcome
Highly integrated and motivated
Good in Leadership and Teamwork

Apply to:


Discover all our employment

opportunities on careers.areva.com

Sinar Mas Energy and Mining

Company Profile

Our group is one of the world-largest natural resources based companies with operations in Indonesian archipelagos. One of our subsidiaries in Coal Mining is currently expanding and looking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:



1. S1 Geologist
2. Male/ Female, age maximum 40 years old
3. Having more than 10 years experience in Exploration & Open Cut Mining Operation

Job Description:

1. Develop & Manage Exploration Plan
2. Develop Geological & Geotechnical System
3. Generate & Up date Geological Procedures
4. Responsible for reliable Geological Model
5. Manage & Develop Safety System within department
6. Develop an Integrated Database & Reporting System

Please drop your complete CV to:



Company Description


As a Global Company leader in the Oil and Gas Service Industry, our company delivers Superior Services and New Technology around the world. Our Production Enhancement division delivers products, services and advanced solutions for oil and gas industry. Our capabilities includes Coiled tubing, Nitrogen, Acid, Sand Control and Pipeline Process and Services.

To support our operations in INDONESIA

We are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:

CT, Nitrogen, Frac-Acid Operator and Supervisors Post Date: 12 Feb 09

Under general supervision, promotes excellent customer relations at the worksite. Plans and performs necessary calculations for the total job at the well site as needed. Responsible for equipment rig up and rig down on a location and the preparation of equipment for performing a job. Provides planning necessary for the job including instructions to the crew and dispute resolutions to approved levels. Ensures customer satisfaction with jobs performed. As needed, may perform data collection and data distribution on jobs. Coordinates the clean up, repair, and preparation of equipment for the next job. Provides input on individual performance levels of his/her subordinates providing on-the-job skills development to enhance job performance. Given the nature of oil field service work, the ability to communicate effectively with others is necessary. Promotes Process Improvement Initiatives, safety awareness and environmental consciousness. Must possess the ability to understand Well Bore schematic, computer programs and operational procedures. Must possess good leadership.


Education: High School graduate as minimum.
At least 3 years experienced in related field.
Specific skill required: Field experience in Coiled tubing, Nitrogen or Frac-Acid.
English proficiency both oral and written.
Computer skills: Microsoft office.
Will be located in Jakarta.

Please send your application letter with recent photograph to:



Company Description
Urgently Required

We are a multinational company in the Maritime Industry and we are

currently seeking dynamic individuals for the post of



Good command of English – Spoken and Written.

Poses good Interpersonal skills, attitude and aptitude.

Minimum a Class 3 Certificate of Competency ( 2nd Officer).

Sea Going Experience on Offshore or Foreign Going Vessels.

Candidates with no sea-going experience but have a good

experience in the Oil and Gas industry, in HSE related field will also be considered.

Good knowledge in ISM, ISPS Code and SOLAS Regulations.

Dynamic and willing to work under pressure.

Able to work independently and result orientated.

Salary to commensurate based on experience.

Interested candidates are invited to send their detailed resume and

expected salary



PT Arutmin Indonesia

PT Arutmin Indonesia is a global leading company in energy coal business with mine operations and a world-class coal terminal in South Kalimantan. To support its growth, the company is searching for a high potential and dynamic individual to fill the position as:


Based in South Kalimantan. This is a senior staff position reporting to Mine Manager. He/she is responsible for coordinating & organizing all mine planning aspects, mine operation, managing contractors and liaison with marketing department.

Required Qualifications:

n S-1 Degree in Mine Engineering.

n Min 10 years experience in coal mine planning and operations.

n Strong technical skills and experience with mine planning software such as MINCOM, MInex is preferable.

n Experience in operation supervisions and mining contract administration is desirable.

n Strong interpersonal skills and excellent language skills either spoken, written and reading comprehension of both Indonesian and English.

n Able to work in team environment displaying leadership.

n High commitment to safety standard & business ethic.

n Good understanding on global coal business will be an advantage.

All applications will be kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Attractive remuneration plus generous benefits will be offered to the successful candidate. Please send your application and resume in English, recent photograph & Copy ID card and put the position code (ES) at the top-right side of the envelope not later than 14 (fourteen) days from the date of this advertisement to :


PO. BOX 4619 JKP 10046

Fax: 021-57945688 or email to hrd@arutmin.com


Company Description

We need new employee

PT. COSL INDO is an overseas subsidiary company of COSL, it has provided a complete package of oilfield services, including drilling rig, well completion, workover, logging, cementing, filtration unit for clients from 2002.

COSL, has over forty years of experiences in the offshore oilfield services industry and is primarily engaged in delivering overall technical services for offshore oil & gas exploration and production. COSL possesses a complete service line, including marine geophysical survey, drilling & completion services, workover, logging, data acquisition and interpretation, R&D, marine supply & transportation. COSL can provide our clients with not only single service lines but also integrated or package services.

COSL, as an internationalized services company, has maintain good business relationships with over sixty different oil companies and specialized technology companies in over twenty countries, including USA, UK, France, Italy, Japan, etc. Our fleet has operated overseas for many years and currently we have several rigs, vessels, and geophysical vessels working internationally. Through outstanding performance and quality services, the company has successfully built it up its image as a reliable oilfield services provider.
In 2003, COSL was awarded the prestigious title of one of the Ten Best Small Companies and Ten Most Accessible Management in Asia by Euro Money, in the same year we received the award of being nominated as one of the Ten Best Managed Companies by Finance Asia.

COSL achieved nearly ¥0.7 billion net profit in 2004, and was recommended by Standard & Poor as one of thirty stocks with most investment value. The company was also awarded the distinction of being an advanced Unit in Enterprise Culture Successively in 2003 and 2004.

Please entry our company website: www.cosl.com.cn for more details on COSL.

Senior Drilling Superintend / Rig Manager Post Date: 09 Feb 09


1. Must be proactive, high energy & focused, critical analysis skills and good communicative in English
2. Able to operate and familiar with computer-Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Etc.
3. Discipline, Hard Work and able to work under pressure
4. Petroleum Engineer for Drilling from a well known university
5. More than 15 years experience as a drilling superintendent / Rig Manager on Semi Submersibles, Jack ups, Submersibles, etc

If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph to:

lapieris@cosl.co.id and CC : milasari@cosl.co.id

Please attached Picture, copy of identity card, Certificate and transcript


Company Description

Urgently Required!

We are a Group Company of Shipping & General Contractor Company in the Mining, Maintenance Services, Logistics & Others. We look for suitable candidates who can fill the position as below

Marine Operation Manager (Code : MOM) Post Date: 07 Feb 09
Responsibilities :

Vessel Management

Arrange with Class surveyors attending vessels for statutory surveys and maintain vessels to Class standards.
Ensure vessels technically comply with International, national and local regulations and those defined in charter parties.
Efficient management of business’s activities and resources.
Implementation of actions that will improve and result in more cost effective contract management.
Implementation and operation of contract Procedures and Policies to promote safety, health and environmental protection.
Effective management of all elements within the designated fleet to achieve maximum utilisation, lowest operating costs and tight planning controls. This to include all technical, dry-docking, repair, maintenance, crewing functions.

Reporting and Records

Ensure the Operation Manager is fully informed on all matters relating to repairs and maintenance of the assigned vessels.
Ensure that the required number of defined Annual inspections and OMS Audits are carried out and produce timely reports in line with Department Operational Procedures.
Complete comprehensive Vessel Inspection Reports in accordance with the Departments Operational Procedures.
Compile monthly Vessel Status Reports on repairs and performance against vessel budgets.
Maintain accurate records of all deficiencies and any repairs carried out, defining those deferred to dry-docking, ensuring all preparations are made prior to docking.
Maintain accurate records, including Maintenance and Inspection Reports, of all deficiencies and any repairs carried out on maintenance facility and associated workshop, plant and equipment.

Planned Maintenance

Ensure that vessels and other assets are maintained to include the systematic maintenance of all systems, plant and auxiliary equipment.
Compile dry-dock and repair Work Lists and Tenders for timely submission to the Contract Manager
Evaluate all data from vessels including End of Month Returns and appropriate action be taken to ensure that the vessel integrity and expected operational performance are monitored.
Produce accurate dry-dock and other maintenance schedules.
Plan and co-ordinate activities of personnel and resources to achieve minimum vessel downtime and maximum vessel utilisation.
Evaluate, monitor and review vessel planned maintenance systems to ensure systematic, scheduled and diligent implementation.
Ensure that detailed and comprehensive dry-dock planning is undertaken in a timely and cost effective manner.
Evaluate and development of Annual Repair and Maintenance, Docking Budget and Forecasts.


Supervise and co-ordinate all repairs including dry-docking and insurance claim repairs and that all work meets specifications.
Ensure that technical employees and any sub-contractors are supervised
Assist in the induction, training and development of vessel technical staff; ensure that standards of performance meet company and customer requirements.
Visit on a regular scheduled basis customers and potential customers to ensure potential problems are eliminated and any business opportunities are fully exploited.
Introduce initiatives that will improve the service to our customers and increase long and short term profitability of the Company.
Ensure the complete compliance of vessels and assets with Company, customers and legislative requirements at all times.

General Qualification:

Experienced 10 (ten) years as Marine Operation Manager in Oil & Gas Industry
Minimum S1, prefer from marine faculty, ANT I or ATT I
Experienced in handling crew boats, LCT, Tug Boat & Barges in remote area
Candidate shall have certificate training for sea survival, , BST, advances fire fighting, HVET, MOB and etc
Fluent in English both oral & written
Able to work independently as well as a team and High analytical skill
Computer Literate in using MS office & Internet
To be based in Papua, with rotation schedule, Preferable experience working in the Site Project

Please submit your application letter complete with CV in English, recent photograph and expected salary, only to email address below:

Head of Human Resources

email : Mps_bumajkt@bumagroup.com; tender_admin@bumagroup.com

Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications and requirements will be notified for further selection



PT. Petrotechindo Utama (PTU) is an Independent Engineering company which has vast experience in assisting clients in the area of design, procurement and construction management / supervision. Currently, in association and strategic partnership with WorleyParsons Indonesia – one of the world leaders in independent pipeline engineering and design consultant is appointed as the Engineering & Project Management Consultant for Repair KP 110 – KP 133 , Kuala Tungkal ~ Panaran TGI Offshore Pipeline project.

Job title : Coating Inspector

Report to : QA/QC Engineer

Role :

· Review and verify certificates of field joint coating, in fill material and negative buoyancy aids.

· Witness, inspect, and evaluate Pre Production Qualification Test for Field Joint Coating and In Fill application.

· Monitor and inspect surface preparation and application of coating and in fill for pipeline field joints in accordance with Client requirements.

· Witness, inspect, and evaluate results of field production test on applied field joint coating and infill and field repair of line pipe coating as per Inspection and Test Plan.

· Check and monitor installation and setting of sinkers or negative buoyancy aids.

· Review and sign off on coating application and field test inspection reports.

Qualifications :

· Education : Technical (Trade) High School or University Graduate

· Training / Certificate : NACE Corrosion Inspector - Level II or National Equivalent.

: Training in Basic Sea Survival Course

· Language : Basic written and oral English

· Experience : Min. 5 yrs Oil and Gas Industry as coating inspector or coating works supervisor

with at least one (1) offshore project assignment preferred.

§ Able to work in a team, with minimal supervision, shows initiative, discipline and high self motivation in an offshore environment.

§ Highly familiar with NACE RP 0169 for Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic System and NACE RP 0675 for Control of External Corrosion on Offshore Steel Pipeline.

If you meet those requirements and interested on the challenges, please send your full resume by quoting the job title in the subject to:

Human Resources Department


ATTN : Bp. Rosmanto

Email : hrd@petrotechindout ama.com

PT Petrosea Tbk

PT Petrosea Tbk has been designing, building and mining in all corners of Indonesia since 1972 and today is recognized as one of Indonesia's leading engineering, construction and mining contractors. Thanks to the imagination and commitment of more than 1877 staff, Petrosea has secured a growing portfolio of projects throughout Indonesia and the region.

Our strategic shareholder and partner, Clough Limited (ASX:CLO) provides Petrosea with access and support to world class management and project delivery systems which allows Petrosea to deliver international excellence to the Indonesian market.

We are currently taking applicants for the following position:


Education: Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting / Finance / Engineering or Quantity Surveying from a recognized university..


1. Willing to work in the project site in Sanga-sanga (East Kalimantan) with roster 6 weeks on and 2 weeks off.
2. Preferably with at least 2 years experience in cost control and project reporting / accounting.
3. Excellent communication skills - spoken, written, and presentation.
4. Proficient in using MS Office.
5. Excellent business analysis skills.
6. Able to communicate effectively between site departments and Jakarta based Project Accountants.


1. Utilise and maintain cost control systems, such as Avantis (note: training will be provided).
2. Enter information into cost control system daily and monthly in accordance with Company procedures using data collected from all departments at site and off site.
3. Prepare, review, and approve the cost report for the Project Monthly Report in accordance with reporting deadlines.
4. Accurately prepare budget forecasting and progress monitoring activities and reporting for use by the Project Manager in controlling project margins.
5. Assist with monthly Progress Claims in association with Senior Mining Engineer and to ensure the subsequent invoice in submitted and payment received within the payment terms of the Contract.
6. Prepare cash flow forecasts for the Project.

To apply for this position, please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email subject: PROJECT COST CONTROLLER to lavinia.budiyanto@ petrosea. com in Microsoft Word format or Pdf, not more than 350kb.



Carrer at Chevron
Recent Graduates - Job Vacancies

Recent Graduate-S1

General Qualifications

* Minimum GPA 3.00
* Minimum Degree S1 (S2/Master degree will be an advantage)
* Graduated in 2006-July 31,2009 from reputable university in Indonesia or overseas
* Years of experience less than 4 years
* Good command of English
* Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations (East Kalimantan/Riau/ West Java)
* Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization

Recent Graduate-D3

General Qualifications

* Minimum GPA 2.75
* Only D3 Degree
* Graduated in 2006-July 31,2009 from reputable university in Indonesia or overseas
* Years of experience less than 4 years
* Good command of English
* Willing to relocate to one of Chevron operations locations
* Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization

More Info : http://careerjobsdb .blogspot. com/2009/ 02/carrer- at-chevron. html

Pertamina - Hess Corporation

Pertamina - Hess Corporation, We are looking for qualified personnel with high motivation, initiative and integrity to fill in the following positions:



· Degree in engineering or any technical degree from recognized university

· Minimum 15 years experience in construction engineering in oil & gas industry, with recent South East Asia experience

· Experienced as a Construction Superintendent of a major onshore processing facility

· Sound knowledge of construction site safety procedures with positive attitude at making safety a priority.

· Having strong communication, organizational and leadership skills
· Ability to work on tight deadlines as well as a good team player



· Minimum Degree in Engineering

· minimum of 12 years experience in oil and gas related EPC Projects (Contractor and/or Company).

· Familiar with Rules & Regulations related to Project Execution

· Familiar with Gantt chart or similar project time management systems. Ability to use project management software.

· Experienced in Prepare Project AFE's and WP&B.

· Experienced in Contracts Surveillance and Oversee the Project Planning/Control

· Computer literate & Fluent written and spoken English



* Min. graduate from High School (Bachelor/Diploma Degree is preferable)
* Min. 15 years experience in related field
* Deeply understand on Security Management Strategy & Crisis Management Plan.
* Familiar and having good relation with local security and statutory as well as local culture.
* Familiar and capable to operate Ms. Office and it`s application
* Proficiency in English both speaking and writing
* Strong ability to work independently and willing to be relocated to Jambi



* Min. Bachelor Degree Information & Technology, Computer Science or another related discipline.
* Familiar with PABX, Network and active directory.
* Familiar with IT Management System.
* Responsible for hardware maintenance.
* Having experience in handling the project is an advantage.
* Proficiency in English both speaking and writing.
* Well adapt, communicative, and fast learner.
* Willing to travel

Email your application and CV not later than 13 February 2009 to:

lamaran@jambimerang .co.id

Or You can send your application to:


Plaza Bapindo, Mandiri Tower 24th Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 54-55, Jakarta 12190

State your selected position in the subject of your application.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted for further selection process.

PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia (KPSI)

PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia (KPSI) is an international
services company for the resources sector, plant engineering, civil
construction, transportation, and earthworks to serve clients in
fiber plantation and chip, pulp, and paper industry. We are equal
opportunity employer that committed to recruit, develop, and retain
the best talents. Our people are some of the best in the similar
type of business with considerable competencies and extensive
experience across all areas of our operations. Currently we are
seeking for the highly motivated professionals to strengthen our
team in the following position:

RESPONSIBILITIES: manage and control all KPSI mobile, miscellaneous
equipment service, repairs and logistic, and all associated
activities to maximize the availability, reliability, productivity,
and safe operation of large population of excavators, bulldozers,
backhoe loaders, skidders, motor graders, trucks, trailers,
generators, and other ancillary equipment in the assigned area;
contribute to the achievement of KPSI's business target within time,
cost, and quality parameters as well as provide efficient, effective
logistic services to fulfill customer demand.
REQUIREMENTS: min. SLTA graduated in Mechanical Engineering; minimum
5 years experience in heavy equipment service, repair, maintenance,
and logistics with minimum 1 years experience in the supervisory
level; knowledge of correct tools and equipment necessary to get the
job done; strong conceptual and analytical thinking; strong
leadership skills.

RESPONSIBILITIES: receives and reviews a wide variety of
requisitions and sourcing potential vendors; reviews bid proposals
from vendors and makes recommendation; follow up with vendors on
goods delivery; close PO's status; evaluates vendors' performance;
and maintains records of purchased items, cost, delivery,
performance and inventory.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree in related educational background from
reputable university, preferable in Civil or Mechanical Engineering;
4-6 years experience in the similar type of business with minimum 1
year experience in the same level; knowledge of Basic Legal, Basic
Finance, and product-related standards and specifications; advanced
administrative skills; good level of concentration; strong
leadership and negotiation skills.

RESPONSIBILITIES: review logistics-related processes, systems, and
costing and initiate corrective and preventive measures; manage and
supply logistics material request to be delivery as per schedule;
monitor incoming and outgoing materials / equipment / inventory.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree graduated with 4-6 years experience in
the similar activities and minimum 1 year at the same level;
knowledgeable in material flow (receiving, stocking, and issuing)
and export-import procedure; skilled on controlling material
inventory; knowledge of Basic Legal, Basic Finance, and product-
related standards and specifications; advanced administrative
skills; strong in planning and organizing.

RESPONSIBILITIES: directs activities concerned with contracts for
purchasing of equipment, materials, products, or services; makes
contract preparation; verifies contract pricing; evaluates contract
vendors performance; and assists in issuing consignment PO and
prepares consignment analysis report.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree in related educational background from
reputable university, preferable in Civil or Mechanical Engineering
from reputable university; 4-6 years experience in the similar type
of business with minimum 1 year experience in the same level;
knowledge of Basic Legal, Basic Finance, and Economic Trend
Movement; advanced administrative skills; good level of
concentration; strong negotiation skills; organized and detail-
oriented with the ability to multi-task.

RESPONSIBILITIES: develop material of HE (excavator, bulldozer,
motor grader, skidder, backhoe loader, compactor, etc.) operation
training; identify training needs of existing HE operators;
contribute in reducing number of HE accident due to miss operation;
involve in recruitment and selection process of HE operators;
responsible in SIMPERing (Surat Izin Mengemudi Perusahaan) for HE
operators; develop skill development & assessment record system for
HE operators.
REQUIREMENTS: min. SLTA graduated with 3-5 years relevant experience
in similar post; proven skills in operating various HE or
experienced as HE Operator; workplace training certified; mastering
Basic First Aid and OHSE; knowledgeable in training principles &
concepts; able and willing to motivate & facilitate others in

RESPONSIBILITIES: plan work orders and coordinate work between
operations and maintenance; investigate all costs and scope of work
orders before gaining authorization; ensure all work orders are
signed when completed; produce Daily / Weekly / Monthly Mechanical
Availability Report.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering; 2-3 years
experience in heavy equipment planning; knowledge of engineering
measuring; knowledge and ability to apply the procedures and
policies of safety; interpersonal skills to deal with KPSI
Departments and contractors to maintain component quality control;
administrative and procedural skills; able to use software
application such as Word Perfect, Excel, and SAP.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: computer literate; excellent in English and
Bahasa both written and spoken; high personal work-motivation,
communicative, proactive, and creative; high orientation on cost-
effectiveness, quality, time-frame, and safety; high professional-
integrity and excellent teamwork skills; willing to travel and
relocate to Kalimantan.

Submit your application letter, comprehensive CV with recent
photograph, and related certification before 12th February 2009 to
HR Department of PT KPSI: recruitment@ kalimantan- prima.com – or – PO
BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114. Please put the position code on e-
mail subject or top right of the envelope and quote your salary
expectation in your application letter. Only short listed candidate
will be invited for interview.



Company Description

We, Multinational Trading Company, located in South Jakarta,

urgently looking for a qualified person for position as follows :

1. H2S ENGINEER SUPERVISOR Post Date: 05 Feb 09


Education S1 (any major)
Minimum 7 (seven) years experiences in oil & gas industry
Minimum 3 (three) years experiences handling H2S equipment
Has H2S Certificate from MIGAS
Has First Aid Certificate Level 2
Excellent on Microsoft Office
Excellent on English (oral and written)
Strong Leadership and teamwork
Willing to be located in Sumatera Area

If you feel that you are qualified for this position, please send your latest resume to :


2. H2S ENGINEER Post Date: 05 Feb 09


Education D3 (any major)
Minimum 5 (five) years experiences in oil & gas industry
Minimum 3 (three) years experiences handling H2S equipment
Has H2S Certificate from MIGAS
Has First Aid Certificate
Excellent on Microsoft Office
Excellent on English (oral and written)
Strong Leadership and teamwork
Willing to be located in Sumatera Area

If you feel that you are qualified for this position, please send your latest resume to :


3. H2S TECHNICIAN Post Date: 05 Feb 09


Education Senior High School
Minimum 3 (three) years experiences in oil & gas industry
Minimum 1 (one) years experience handling safety equipment
Good on Microsoft Office
Good on English
Has a teamwork ability
Willing to be located in Sumatera Area

If you feel that you are qualified for this position, please send your latest resume to :


Musim Mas Group


Company Description

One of Indonesia’s most dynamic groups with a diversified portfolio of product and assets. Its activities are centered on its core business of palm cultivation and palm oil processing. It is a market leader in the manufacturing of palm oil, soap, margarine and owns ships tankers, a grain terminal and bulk tank terminal.


Qualification :

Male max 48 years old
Minimum Bachelor in Agriculture or harvesting educational back ground
Minimum 10 years experience in same position
Good English oral and written, good communication and interpersonal skill
Good knowledge in technical and commercial aspects of palm oil, agronomy, research and development
Willing to stay in remote area, Kalimantan Tengah.

If you are interested, please send your application, resume and recent photograph to advertisement

to: hrd@musimmas.com


Qualification :

Male max 45 years old
Minimum Bachelor in Agriculture, organic or chemistry educational background
Minimum 5 years experience in same position
Good English oral and written, good communication and interpersonal skill
Good knowledge in fertilizer lab analysis
Willing to stay in remote area, Kalimantan Tengah.

If you are interested, please send your application, resume and recent photograph to advertisement to:


Air Energi Group Singapore Pte Ltd

Company Description

With over 1,000 contractors working for us worlwide, Air Energi provides outsourced manpower and recruitment services to the world's top players in the energy, petrochemical process, and oil and gas sector.

Medical Doctor/Paramedic Officer Post Date: 03 Feb 09

A global EPC company is looking for a Medical Doctor/Paramedic Officer to join their pipe-lay barge project on 1-year renewable contract based in Bangkok, Thailand with 2-3 months offshore assignment onboard the pipe-lay barge.

You will be responsible for attending barge medical and emergency cases; conducting random drug & alcohol tests/screening; in charge of barge sanitation & hygiene inspection, OHS, medical records & consultations, evacuation, and case management.

You must have an MD or Paramedic certification which is recognized by a certifying body in Indonesia; ideally possess a valid medical fitness certificate for offshore work certified by an international oil & gas company; a valid certificate on basic First Aid, Safety training, and Sea Survival training; certified on Advanced Trauma Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support with experience in using defibrillators; English-speaking and adept with computers for all admin matters; and covered by Jamsostek with adequate insurance. Indonesian and/or Thai nationals would then be preferred, but all qualified candidates are welcome to apply.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Eugene Santos on +65 6511 2341 or send your CV quoting this advert’s Requirement Position as subject for immediate consideration

to eugene@airenergi.com



Company Description

Crane is a long established,world supplier of quality Valves to the oil, gas, power mining, chemical and pharmaceuticalindustries.

We seek applications from suitably qualifieand experienced people to fill the position of Project manager. The role of the project manager will be optimise Crane’s performancein the executionof major supply contracts to the Indonesian oil & gas industry. Typically this involves such functions as procurement, scheduling, document control, expediting, logistics and quality control as well as the timely dissemination and presentation of accurate and clear information to clients.

PROJECT MANAGER Post Date: 02 Feb 09

The successful applicant will therefore be expected to possess the following skills and experience:

* Proficiency in written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesia
* Highly organized in record keeping with meticulousattention to detail
* Superior MS Excel and word skills, with Project and Power Point ab advantage
* Understanding of contract bid process, variations, procurement, logistics scheduling and shipping
* Tertiary level qualification in a relevent discipline from reputable university
* Ability to communicate effectively with management, costomers and suppliers
* Ability to understand engineering drawings and material specifications
* Minimum 4 years work experience in a relted field. Direct experience in oil & gas or EPC company an advantage.

Work location will be Cikarang. Application close 13th February 2009 and will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Please send detailed cover letter and CV including current salary to

teguhw@ptcrane.co.id cc to perryp@ptcrane.co.id

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